Big Bear Blogs
We’re proud to offer blogs from our very own Big Bear Strength & Conditioning (Jim Harrington). Jim’s blogs will appear a couple of times a month and will be focused on health and fitness – with a twist…
Some blogs will involve exercise science/research, while others will be brief stories that Jim will share from a life well lived.
Come along for the journey – we’ll try our very best to keep you informed and engaged.

Revolutionizing Personal Training for Every Age and Activity Greetings fitness enthusiasts! I’m Jim, the founder of Big Bear, and today I want to share with you how we’re changing the game when it comes to personal training. Back in early 2022, we noticed a void in our local area regarding trainers and training approaches. This… Continue Reading:

Enjoy a well-rounded, comprehensive, tailored to you, personal training experience. Continue Reading:

Personal training isn’t a one size fits all profession. Personalized training is the key. Continue Reading:

Those of us of a certain age may remember all the hilarity of the Fox sitcom “Married with Children”… One of the recurring themes during that long-running series was Al Bundy (Ed O’Neill) frequently recalling the glory days of long-ago high school days. Specifically, he would regale anyone who’d listen about scoring four touchdowns in… Continue Reading:

This is my first blog. Ever. At nearly 56 years of age. Not only that; earlier this year I changed careers to pursue passions that were always there – percolating just under the surface for years. Continue Reading:

Giving your muscles a high-speed workout could also yield some great health benefits. Find out more! Continue Reading: